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Poultry Victoria Area

WANTED: 1-2 retired chickens

WANTED: 1-2 retired chickens image 1
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WANTED: 1-2 retired chickens image 4
WANTED: 1-2 retired chickens thumbnail image 1
WANTED: 1-2 retired chickens thumbnail image 2
WANTED: 1-2 retired chickens thumbnail image 3
WANTED: 1-2 retired chickens thumbnail image 4

My partner and I recently lost one of our girls from our senior rescue flock and are now looking for a new friend for our remaining chickens. Our current girl can be bossy (but not a bully!) and has always had friends that were nervous, flighty, meek, laid back, or submissive. Usually we take hens that were getting bullied in their previous flock or were the only survivors of animal attacks. We provide our chickens with everything they need, including veterinary care as needed. We've dealt with everything from prolapse, eating screws, egg bound, and more with help from our amazing veterinarian. We've had chickens who were spayed, needed specialists, were hospitalized, etc.. We usually take project chickens and thus put ourselves through some heart break and are hoping to take on a relatively healthy chicken this time. Our chickens have an insulated, heated coop with a predator-proof run. We've never had issues with predators though we are very cautious and have motion sensor lights surrounding the coop in addition to underground fencing. They are also near a school and lots of kids come to visit them. We provide daily enrichment puzzles and toys for them to solve. My partner builds them jungle gyms and play structures to play on as well as having a teeter totter and swing in their run. We do allow them to free range when supervised in the late hours of the day. We have a dog that is chicken savvy, he is used to cuddling with them as well as occasionally getting beat up by our last girl. If you have a chicken who needs some TLC, please let us know and feel free to send us a picture! Underweight, plucked feathers, etc. is fine!

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