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Wine & Beer Making Equipment Victoria Area

$500 · Complete Home Winemaking Kit

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Looking for a New Hobby? This holiday season, why not get together with some friends and make your own. With the costs of everything going up these days, it’s nice to know how you can save money without sacrificing something in the process. I have made my own for the past 30 years…and saved $$$$. Plus, it’s a great hobby, something you can do with friends and it affords you the opportunity to try out new varieties that you might not otherwise purchase. It does require a bit of space, some planning and a lot of patience but in the end, the return on that investment is worth every drop. We recently sized down in life and space is limited now. Although I will miss making it at home, the time has come to sell my equipment. Everything you need to achieve perfection is here. It’s all in very good condition. The rest will be up to you. Here is what’s included: Primary Container with lid $35 Three Italian glass carboys (23L) $270 Buon Vino Mini Jet Filtering Machine $250 Hydrometer w/ Test Jar $30 Fermented Grape Juice Thief sampler $10 Thermometer $15 Degassing Tool $50 Auto Siphon and tubing $15 Bouchonneuse Deluxe Floor Corking Machine $120 Deluxe Portuguese Agglomerated Corks $40 Carboy brush $10 Cleaning and sanitizing ingredients $20 To purchase individually, the entire list would cost $865. plus taxes. On average, you’ll save between $10-$15 for an equivalent quality bottle . Full bodied like Brunello can be as much as a $40 saving over retail price per bottle. The initial investment will be returned after your first three batches. A kit yields approx. 30 bottles. Once you have the equipment, your cost to make is about $5 per bottle or less, depending on your taste in selection. If you and/or some friends or family get together and purchase the equipment, you'll save over 40% off the retail prices shown above. If you do, I am willing to offer a free one-hour instruction in person to show you my tips and tricks on how to use the equipment for making great "vino" every time.

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