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$40 · JOB WANTED: Full Stack Developer with 6+ years experience

Hello, I am a Full-Stack software developer with over 6 years of professional remote experience. I have been programming in the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS) for most of my career, with a recent deep dive into ReactJS and React Native frameworks this past year. I am comfortable working with any part of the tech stack, and a quick learner with any technology I haven't already mastered, but my favorite role is as a Front-End Development liaison to the design team - taking a barebones design and turning it into a fully-functioning website or MVP. My hope is to one day pivot my career into more design-focused development, as I have a strong sense of visual and user experience design, and I have enjoyed creating unified design systems that save the design and development teams a lot of communication overhead. I love working with strong teams that value product quality and are willing to dedicate the time to do things right - but I am also well acquainted with working under tight deadlines and putting efficiency first! For my full resume and CV, see: I am particularly interested in Remote or Victoria-based roles or short-term/part-time contracts. I would especially appreciate working with a recruiter who can help pitch me to multiple businesses and make the application process less tedious and more social. Expected salary range $80k-100k CAD, or hourly equivalent $40-50/hr. Available immediately, with no current commitments. Cheers, Warren Koch ======================== Full Skills Breakdown: - Front-End: JS, ReactJS, React Native, Redux, VueJS, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, SASS, HTML5, XML - Back-End: PHP, Phalcon PHP, Laravel, Python, C, Java, Ruby on Rails - Database: SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Entity-Relationship Models - Version Control: Github, Gitlab, Subversion, ESLint - Production Tools: Heroku, Docker, AWS - Management Tools: Jira, Confluence, Slack - Testing: Jest, Enzyme - OS: Ubuntu, Windows Subsystem Linux, Bash, zShell - APIs: Auth0, Paypal, Twilio, Mailgun, Moltin

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October 8, 2019
November 7, 2019
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