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Strategy & Role Playing Games Victoria Area

$10 · Quelf Board Game

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Quelf board game. Preowned. Almost complete (499 out of 500 cards - missing 1 red card) Describing the rules of Quelf doesn’t really do it justice. By design, the gameplay mechanics are simple. The board has a round path with a start and end point. You roll dice to move that number of spaces forward. Whoever gets to the end first wins. Simple. No complex math, no complicated play styles. Just roll the dice. But when you move, you land on colored spaces, and draw a corresponding card, and that’s where the game gets interesting. The cards have rules, creative tasks, or puzzles on them. Depending on the card, players who fail at the tasks have to pay a penalty by moving backwards on the board. There are five categories of cards, each with their own color: Scatterbrainz (Red): These cards are a group game. Each card contains two categories to choose from, like “Ways to cook eggs” or “Places you’ve been naked.” (A real card in my older print of the game.) The group goes around and lists of things that qualify, without repeating anything. The first person to repeat something or fail to come up with an answer pay the penalty. Roolz (Blue): Yes, they all have ZaNy NaMeZ. Rule cards give the person who drew them (or in some cases the whole table) a new rule to follow. For example, “While it is your turn, you must casually talk about your homeland of Sri Lanka and the plight of the timber wolf.” Again, real. These stay in effect until they’re replaced by another rule card or the game ends. Stuntz (Yellow): Remember Double Dare? These are the games equivalent of the Physical Challenge. Some are simple like a card instructing you to lick your own elbow or, failing that, lick someone else’s elbow. Others are more elaborate, like a classified card that instructs you to literally cheat until your next turn or else. Showbiz (Purple): Similar to Stuntz cards, these involve some form of creative performance or showmanship. For example, you might have to pretend to be Santa Claus, except you can only say “Ho Ho Ho Mummify.” Quizzle (Green): These are generally straightforward trivia questions, with a few riddles thrown in. It’s a mercy to your self-respect when you land here. See pictures Pickup in Langford Cross posted.

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