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New shop makes life easier for classic motorbike owners
From full restorations to modifications, maintenance and more, you've got an ally in Coombs
New shop makes life easier for classic motorbike owners image

In August, Grant Wilson and Shelley Flemming of International Classic Motorcycles (ICM) undertook a major move of their business to a new custom-built home, a 3,000-square-foot shop at 2201 Burgoyne Rd. in Coombs, an eight-minute walk to Goats on the Roof.

The move more than doubled the space for their specialty services, full restorations, modifications, trike conversions and routine maintenance on your bikes, trikes and scooters.

Riding a classic motorcycle is a special experience. Even better is riding a machine you know is not only mechanically sound, but turns heads when it’s seen around town.

Getting your bike to that stage can take a lot of work, and it may not be work you’re willing to undertake yourself, say Wilson and Flemming. Whether you’ve lucked into a great find on a vintage bike, want to refurbish your longtime ride, restore a bike you’ve had stored for years, or need someone to do routine maintenance on your bike, having a shop you can rely on is important, they add.


Technicians get to the nuts and bolts of the matter

On larger jobs, particularly full restoration projects, ICM mechanics understand what’s right with it and what needs attention. “The first thing people normally say when they come in with their bike that hasn’t been operational for years is, ‘Can you get it running?'” Wilson says.

After assessing the bike, he and the team share their knowledge and can provide an estimate of cost for your job. Not only that, ICM works within your budget and can advise whether a major restoration is a good investment for the make and model of bike. Although, for many of their clients it’s a labour of love, preserving family history or sentimentality. Approximately 50 per cent of ICM clients are from the mainland and beyond: they’ve sold classic bikes to collectors in places as far away as a museum in Brazil, across Canada, U.S.A., Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Shanghai!


Turn your bike into a trike

ICM is a distributor for Trike, the three-wheeled bikes popular with older riders who are unable to balance a heavy two-wheeled bike – especially with their spouses –but still want to ride. Not only that, ICM offers you a way to preserve the feel of your favourite traditional bike. Conversion from two wheels to three is among the many services they offer to keep you riding.

Wilson recalls a veteran rider from Osoyoos who had parked his BMW K-1200 after purchasing a new trike and was very unhappy with it. “After consulting with us we converted his beloved BMW to a trike, and he’s back loving riding safely again at age 80!” he says.


All makes and models serviced

Whether you’re a fan of Scooters, British classics, enjoy BMW, Harley-Davidson or Japanese bikes, the experienced staff at ICM can help take care of your baby. They go the extra mile by doing custom modifications, replacing stock parts with high-quality, long-lasting materials, from the nuts & bolts right up to larger cast components and hard to find parts.

“Whether you’re on a long road trip or a local ride for coffee, it makes us proud to know that people who know bikes or not, admire the quality of our workmanship,” Wilson says.

Grant, Shelley and their dog, Freya, invite you to visit their new shop to talk about your next motorcycle project and view the beautiful bikes on display! Visit their website

You can call them at 250-594-9404 or email at