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$321 · WANTED: Know anyone with a harmonica case, holder or belt they don't need?

WANTED: Know anyone with a harmonica case, holder or belt they don't need? image 1
WANTED: Know anyone with a harmonica case, holder or belt they don't need? image 2
WANTED: Know anyone with a harmonica case, holder or belt they don't need? image 3
WANTED: Know anyone with a harmonica case, holder or belt they don't need? image 4
WANTED: Know anyone with a harmonica case, holder or belt they don't need? thumbnail image 1
WANTED: Know anyone with a harmonica case, holder or belt they don't need? thumbnail image 2
WANTED: Know anyone with a harmonica case, holder or belt they don't need? thumbnail image 3
WANTED: Know anyone with a harmonica case, holder or belt they don't need? thumbnail image 4

Love to find at least one harp holder/case that can be clipped or fed onto a belt for easy access. The same thing that hold two or more would be grand! Leather is ideal but the standard hohner cloth style is great, too. Also seeking a case that is designed to hold a number of 10 hole style harmonicas - not for wearing, just for keeping and transporting/carrying. Please include a description of your case/holder and asking price. Pictures would be helpful. Please check our other listings for items we are selling and seeking, thanks. We will pull this ad if we find what we need so if you are still reading this - we still need your holder. Standard 10 hole size harmonica like those made by hohner, suzuki, big river, lee oskar etc... *NOTE* Concerned about covid-19 virus? Us, too. We work from home and are staying home and have zero signs of having the virus - still, we are following recommended procedures. We will disinfect our items before you arrive and bring it/them out to the front covered porch for you to try. We will disinfect it/them after if you decide not to trade/buy. We're located in Duncan but we're willing to travel over the hat for the right item/s.

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